CRE Korea signs MOU with Hello Funding (헬로펀딩)

I’m excited to announce CRE Korea’s MOU with Hello Funding[ (주)헬로펀딩], a peer-to-peer (P2P) financial platform, where our start-up will provide Hello Funding’s clients and investors fair, unbiased, and trustworthy market rate valuations for the company’s range of real estate investment products that include residential (apartment units, officetels, and villas), commercial, and new developments. Since Hello Funding’s founding in September 2016, the company has loaned over US$150 million (180 billion KRW) with an average annual yield of 14.54%.

I first learned about Hello Funding in May 2018 when I had the opportunity to meet Dongil Kim (김동일) at a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM Korea) gathering in Seoul.
Since then, I have come to learn that Hello Funding is one of the most highly reputed firms when it comes to real estate investment products as the company has firmed up partnerships with the likes of the Korean Association of REITS Advisory (한국부동산리츠투자자문협회), Hana Asset Trust (하나자산신탁), Kyobo Realco (교보리얼코), Shinhan Bank (신한은행), and Seoul Credit Rating Inc. (서울신용평가).
Before our MOU signing on September 2, 2019 with myself next to New Paradigm Investment Manager Hugh Moon (문현욱 매니저), across from Hello Funding’s team of CEO Gijung Nam (남기중 대표), Deputy Representative Suseok Choi (최수석 부대표), and Team Leader Dongil Kim (김동일 팀장)
Although I have just recently had the opportunity to get to know Suseok and Gijun, I’m sincerely looking forward to working with Dongil and the Hello Funding team to help bring an additional layer of trust to their platform as we are excited to integrate our AVM’s market valuation, predictive data/analytics, and analysis into their real estate investment products.
I would like to thank my counter part, Hugh Moon [Team Leader, New Paradigm Investment (NPI)], as he has been working hard to help me over the past month since we closed our investment with NPI.
Please continue following and expect more good news!