CRE Korea signs MOU with RE/MAX

One of the most exciting things about doing a #startup is when you get to see the look on others faces as they get psyched about the potential of your work – today, I’m thrilled to announce our next #MOU with RE/MAX Korea (#리맥스코리아), a global #RealEstate brokerage with a presence of over 8,000 agents in #SouthKorea, as of the end December 2018. I’m excited to empower Harry 희성 Shin 신 and his colleagues at #REMAX with our #AVM(s) that accurately value Korean real estate including #Officetel (#오피스텔), #Mansions, (#단독) #IndividualHomes (#연립 #다세대), #Land (#토지), #Buildings (#건물), and #Apartments (#아파트), while enhancing our AVMs respectively! I hope our AVMs and Value Reports will enable them to make more strategic decisions and save time when dealing with prospective buyers and sellers. I would like to thank my friends at REMAX, LeAnn Yang (양경아), Young Rae Wang, and Jiwon Im, for their feedback and support of our work at CRE Korea so far. I’m sincerely looking forward to the coming weeks and months ahead!

REMAX Korea info (한국어):

Photos of MOU Signing:

#부동산컨설팅 #공인중개사 #창업 #상업용부동산 #부동산투자 #부동산재테크 #재테크 #투자 #토지 #토지투자 #토지매매 #토지컨설팅 #빌딩매매 #빌딩임대

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